The Story of OBEX

The design of the graphics began in 2014 with the setting up of the Origin Bible Trust. The launch of the Bible Experience in Northern Ireland during September 2019, and has been used in many locations in Ireland to date. We are very thankful to the Lord for enabling us to complete this project, and for providing opportunities to use it in North America and Mexico.

Why the need for another display?

The trustees while aware of other graphical displays used in the UK, felt there was scope for a different approach. The design of the OBEX displays has greatly benefited from the good work that others have done and is intended to complement them.

What are the particular features of the OBEX graphics?

While some previous displays have been achieved by a cut-and-paste method using already published materials, the Origin Bible Trust decided to build its material from a blank canvas. All of the graphics were commissioned to just one graphics artist to ensure a consistency across the whole experience, while giving the trust full control and ownership of these graphics. The graphics were drawn to match the newly authored narrative of the story of the Bible. This narrative was written simultaneously at four levels…

  • Level 1 : Headline type simplified captions for children aged 5-7
  • Level 2 : Expanded detail for children aged 8-11
  • Level 3 : Additional detail for children aged 12+ and for adults
  • Level 4 : Advanced information for adults and for higher level students

Further graphics are continually being developed and added to the experience.